Publication Ethics

Journal of Learning, Multimedia, and Disourse Teaching (JEMDT) is a journal that is professionally managed by  Yayasan Karinosseff Muda Indonesia, Bengkulu City, Indonesia, under consideration of copyright, privacy, and the rules of scientific publications. Every article published focuses mainly on language and literature education. Articles are written by authors who are competent in their fields and source from the results of the study/research. Each content of the article contains the elements of novelty, originality, and usability. To improve journal quality and professionalism of authors, editors, reviewers, and journal managers, it is then established "Ethics of Scientific Publications of JEMDT" and Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). They are to avoid malpractice in publishing journals and copyright violations, such as duplication, fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism. They refer to "Peraturan Kepala LIPI Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Kode Etika Publikasi Ilmiah". They are expected to be implemented by the authors, editors, reviewers, and journal managers.